Comic-Con 2013: My Sunday… HALL H


Most of our Sunday at SDCC 2013 was spent in line for Hall H, the largest venue there. It seats over 6000 individuals and plays host to all of the most extreme SDCC including Marvel, DC, Doctor Who, and, this year, Community! If you want to get into any panel, you really have to be in line many hours before it begins. Being a Greendale Human Being through and through, I was not going to miss it, though I did cut it pretty close.


We got in line around 8:30 am. The Community panel planned to start at 1:50. The Hall H scheduling that day included Supernatural, Breaking Bad, Doctor Who, and then Community (in that order). My plan was to get there 5 hours before Community, and hopefully get into Doctor Who as well. As time passed in line my hopes of getting into anything faded. The Hall H line has a way of doing that. Depressing spirit. Even my normal, joyful self was struggling to remain optimistic.

Normally I’m not a very talkative person at Comic-Con, meaning I don’t start conversations with non-famous strangers. Partially out of shyness, partially because I just want to stare at my iPhone. I should really change that policy, because when it comes to something like a never-ending line filled with people who love the things you do, talking can really make your day substantially brighter. I talked to a group of awesome geeks behind us in line, a couple of fellows dressed as the fifth and seventh Doctors in front of us, and a fellow Community fan. There was also this guy (see photo below), a ways ahead in line, who was just spectacular (he actually got a shout out during the panel).

greendale human being 2

The other bit of entertainment that was near the Hall H line was an awesome setup by Warner Bros. with the massive LEGO Bag End and LEGO models of Batman, Robin, and the Joker. Very fun indeed.

lego bag end

As we got closer to the front of the line, I saw plenty of people leave the line as they realized that they weren’t going to get into the panel they came to see. Very sad, but so goes Comic-Con. Eventually, the Doctor Who panel closed it’s doors, with me not inside. My concern built. Would I get into Community? Would I have made my family wait in this line for nothing?

Then the Doctor Who panel let out, and with it I’d say 80% of the fans inside. Oh happy day! For I knew then not to fear! Bubbly with excitement, me and the thousands of other Human Beings filed in. Ready for the show to begin! With such a mass exodus after Doctor Who I have to admit even I was a little skeptical that Community could fill Hall H. But fill it it did! And with Always Sunny in Philadelphia following, I wondered who was there to see Community and who was just seat warming. It completely solidified this show’s incredible fan base as it filled up for Community and emptied right after.

Instead of me telling you all about the panel, you can watch the whole thing yourself (minus some of the footage shown) below. I’m not ashamed to say my eyes shed some manly tears and I cheered so loudly I probably blew the guy next to me’s ears out.

There are plenty of highlights, and a personal highlight for me is my 3 second cameo in a group shot from the Sixseasonsandamovie Art Show. You can watch the whole clip below and my bit here (I’m left/middle/blue shirt/glasses at 2:07. See me?).

The panel didn’t have many announcements about season five, but Harmon did confirm that another animated episode and a DnD 2 episode are on the schedule. There is also this interview with Harmon that took place during Comic-Con, if you are itching for season five news.

By the way, these sweet cups were handed out during the panel! Totally worth the five hour wait alone 😉

community cups

This does lead me to question Comic-Con as a whole though. Do I need to be present for these panels when many become available online afterwards? Would my time be better spent on the show floor?

After the panel we had two hours before Comic-Con closed for the year, so we spent an hour on the show floor and another hour in the Nintendo Lounge.

On the show floor we ran into Sean Astin doing a signing. It is customary to purchase a photo and pay a fee for an autograph, but I really just wanted to say hi and shake his hand, which was just fine.

meeting sean astin

The Nintendo Lounge was just as nice as the previous time. My sister played Disney Infinity which looks decent enough to expect that plenty of parents will be doling out lots of cash for characters and power discs. Though I must complain about whoever set up the incredibly obnoxious corporate policy of powering down every machine at exactly 5:00 PM. 5:05 wouldn’t have killed anyone, those enormous 5pm bouncer dudes really are overkill.

Well, that’s pretty much the end of my Comic-Con 2013 adventure. I had an absolute blast and made memories that’ll last forever. And just think, I’ll be receiving an email to get my tickets for SDCC 2014 in just a few short weeks!

Cooper out! Peace!

Comic-Con 2013: My Saturday Escapade


After once again consulting our spreadsheet, we established that Saturday would be our primary day of panels. We spent the day jumping from panel to panel, seeing awesome people talk about awesome things.


We started our day at 10:30 am ready to get in line for the LEGO Black Suit Superman raffle that started at 11:30. The line was completely ridiculous, and we didn’t win one, so that was a waisted hour.

Next we went to the Quick Draw panel. We walked right in to the Marvel Television Presents panel that preceded it (in case you don’t know, rooms aren’t cleared between panels so by getting into the Marvel Television Presents panel we were securing our seats for the Quick Draw panel). We only caught the end of the Marvel Television Presents panel, but it was still really cool. Got to see a bit of animated Avengers footage that looked really inspired.

The Quick Draw panel was just so much fun. The idea is three artists, Sergio Aragonés, Scott Shaw, and Neal Adams, were put head-to-head by Quick Draw Quizmaster Mark Evanier and challenged to create cartoons at high speed. The artists were faced with challenges, guessing games, and crowd chosen titles for drawings. My sides were hurting, so brilliant. It’s just fantastic to watch Sergio work. The way he can draw a single line and have it be an instantly recognizable character is just beautiful and inspiring.


Next up, our plan was to get in the room which would soon have the Will Eisner and the Graphic Novel panel. To make sure we had good seats with sat through the preceding Tick 25th Anniversary panel. Not to be mean, but those guys could really work on being more charismatic. Not sure who would want to just see a slideshow of Tick covers. I am sure discussing the making of and antidoctal stories would be far more entertaining.


The panelists for Will Eisner and the Graphic Novel were something to behold. They included Neil Gaiman, Jeff Smith, Scott McCloud, Denis Kitchen, and Paul Levitz. It was incredibly interesting to hear these awesome, talented, people talk about their experiences with Will Eisner. Perfect. And I got to meet Jeff Smith afterwards!


The last panel that was high on our list to attend was Adult Swim: Rick and Morty, a new animated TV series from the minds of Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon! To assure good seats for this, we seat warmed through the two previous panels in the room: Roddenberry Entertainment and Hasbro: Marvel. At the very least it was interesting to see this sector of the geek world.

Thanks to sitting through those panels, we claimed front row seats directly in front of the panelists. The panelists included Harmon and Roiland, moderator Rob Schrab, cast members Chris Parnell, Spencer Grammer, Kari Wahlgren, and writer Ryan Ridley. We got to see footage and hear the cast talk about the show, which looks like it’s going to be incredibly good. Not to oversell it, but it’s sort of an Adult Swim animated bridge between Community, Back to the Future, and Doctor Who. I can’t wait to see more when it premiers later this year. For now you can watch the full panel here.


After that panel we hung out on the show floor for some sight seeing before leaving for the day.

And that was our Friday! Stay tuned for the story of our Sunday adventure!

Comic-Con 2013: My Friday Adventure


I went to Comic-Con Friday, Saturday, and Sunday this fine year. So much brilliant excellence and awesomeness. I think I’ll tell you about my favorite bits.


Well, we arrived at SDCC near noon and picked up our tickets. We created a rather nerdy spreadsheet we used to decide what we wanted to do each day. After considering the options, we determined Friday would be our primary “floor” day, aka the day we did the majority of our shopping, played new video games, and observed the cosplaying masses.

First we dashed to the LEGO booth only to be quite angry and disappointed that they had sold out of the exclusives and the LEGO CUUSOO Back to the Future set. I’m sorry, but seriously, I can understand them running out of the exclusive, but how could they run out of the BTTF set?!? It’s releasing everywhere in August! They really couldn’t have brought more to SDCC!?! LAME. Not to mention the scarcity and silliness of their minifig giveaways (last year I was lucky enough to pick up Bizarro and Symbiote Spider-Man, this year nothing), but I digress. Just like the amazing exclusive LEGO Yoda Chronicles press set that I received from OWTK, there are still fans out there that have no intention of selling these little exclusive treasures. The lines are obviously filled with people hoping to make a buck (or $500 bucks) on Ebay instead of true diehard LEGO fans like myself. Wish instead of a line we could take an extensive LEGO quiz. I would have walked away with a nice collection.


After that we went over to the ThinkGeek booth and picked up their Portal Turret exclusive, which was priced five buckaroos less than the price listed on the SDCC site! Woot!

From there we got in a tremendously long line that eventually let to the BBC America booth. The booth itself had some clothing and props on display from the first, fourth, and eleventh doctors as well as Oswin Oswald. Once we got to the front of the line, I purchased the exclusive 10th Doctor in a tux figure and a 10th Doctor costume shirt. Also, as a bonus, we were given BBC/Doctor Who lanyards!


With LEGO, ThinkGeek, and BBC America out of the way, my planned shopping was done, so we took to exploring the show floor. Out there in the sea of wonderful, wonderful nerds we ran across some pretty neat stuff.

My favorite SDCC 2013 Friday loot which consists of 10th Doctor costume shirt, 10th Doctor Sonic Screwdriver flashlight, exclusive 10th Doctor in a tux figure, exclusive Portal Turret, and Duck Tales poster.

My favorite SDCC 2013 Friday loot which consists of a 10th Doctor costume shirt, 10th Doctor Sonic Screwdriver flashlight, exclusive 10th Doctor in a tux figure, exclusive Portal Turret, and DuckTales Remastered poster.

Firstly, the Profiles in History booth is incredible. It holds props from plenty of the best-est movies around, including a C-3PO foot, Indiana Jones’ whip and fedora, Charlie Chaplin cane, Green Goblin mask, Star Trek phaser, and plenty, plenty more. What a glorious booth.


Secondly, the small publishers and artists’ alley are always brilliant. So interesting how there is never a crowd around them. Generally, Comic-Con stuff that involves comics is extremely empty by comparison to the rest of the show. So odd. Anyways, we got to go up and meet plenty of wonderful, artistic people.

We spent the last few hours of our Comic-Con day playing unreleased video games on the show floor and in the Nintendo Gaming Lounge at the neighboring Marriott hotel. I think I’ll do another post or dozen on the games I played, but here is a quick overview what we played.

The first game I played was Pikmin 3. It feels like a Pikmin game, except HD and new and shiny and stuff. Incredibly fun, but it didn’t feel all that unique.

Next was DuckTales Remastered at the Capcom booth. Incredibly excellent. I haven’t played the original, so I can’t compare it, but man it was fun. The crisp, beautiful, fluid animations and quality of the game design was just brilliant. And I got a sweet poster!


Last on the show floor, we got to play Octodad: Dadliest Catch on the PS4. May I just say HOLY CRAP. I can’t remember the last time I played a game inventive to this extent. Totally blew my mind. It alone has made me consider purchasing the PS4.


In the Nintendo Gaming Lounge I got to play Yoshi’s New Island and Mario and Luigi: Dream Team. While they were both fun, neither appear to be original at all. They felt like just continuations of previous games.

The highlight of the Nintendo Gaming Lounge trip was most certainly playing Super Mario 3D World. A truly exceptional game that I can’t wait to have in my collection.

Also in the Nintendo gaming lounge were huge photo play sets for Mario and Donkey Kong.


Awesome picture of me and my dad in a warp pipe.

And that was the end of my Friday SDCC 2013 adventure! Stay tuned for the Saturday and Sunday addition.

Community at Comic-Con 2013!

comic con community

“Community” (Sony Pictures Television)

Day: Sunday, July 21

Who: Gillian Jacobs, Danny Pudi, Yvette Nicole Brown, Alison Brie, Jim Rash, Ken Jeong and executive producers Dan Harmon and Chris McKenna

“Community” is back at Comic-Con and ready to celebrate with the show’s devoted fandom. Come be a part of the study group for a panel and Q&A moderated by Chris Hardwick (“The Nerdist”) and find out firsthand what surprises are in store for the series when it returns to NBC for its fifth season.

See you there!

Via Entertainment Weekly.

Great Scott! Doc and Marty are in the LEGO CUUSOO DeLorean set!

legobttfAre you ready for this? Doc and Marty LEGO Minifigures will be in the DeLorean Time Machine LEGO CUUSOO set! Also, the DeLorean can be easily modified into three versions that represent the three BTTF films!

I still think this model of the DeLorean is pretty ugly, but Doc and Marty Minifigs make everything better.

Looks like the price will be in the $50-$60 range. As I noted before, it’ll be releasing July 18th.


First image of Back to the Future DeLorean Time Machine LEGO CUUSOO set


We now have the first image of the LEGO Back to the Future CUUSOO DeLorean Time Machine set.

I must say, the model seems incredibly messy. I find the original project design, while not perfect, to be much better at a glance. No word yet if the set will include Minifigures.

According to this store newsletter, the release date is July 18th. Considering the 18th is the first day of Comic-Con, I can’t imagine it being a coincidence.


San Diego Comic-Con 2013: Exclusives to keep a look out for

Well, I’ll be going to SDCC this year and along with the rest of the world I’m starting to prepare. The Comic-Con site has slowly been releasing information about the adventures possible this year. Today the update is the list of exclusives (not all of them mind you, some are announced closer to the Con). In no particular order, here are some of my highlights.

Portal 2 Starfield Deco Turret LED Flashlight w/ Sound

Black with glittering and with a bright red LED light. $15 at the ThinkGeek booth.

Minecraft Gold Pickaxe and Gold Sword

Great for bashing a wide variety of materials. $25 each at the ThinkGeek booth.

Aardman: Superman Action Figure

Aardman’s unique take on the Man of Steel. Measures approximately 6.5″ tall. $24.95 at the at the DC Collectibles Boutique at the Graphitti Designs booth, next to the DC booth.

SDCC 2013 Gold Mini 10-Doh!

3.5″ Gold Mini 10-Doh!  Super shiny and super limited. $20 at the Squid Kids Ink booth.

10th Doctor TITAN – 10th Doctor Tuxedo Variant

The 10th Doctor in his tuxedo from the 2007 Christmas special “Voyage of the Damned”. $10 at the Titan Entertainment booth.

Doctor Who TITANS 10th Doctor Wave

Debuting a month before their August street date, twelve 10th Doctor designs and four super-rare chase figures. $10 each at the Titan Entertainment booth.

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary T Shirt Designs – various

Exclusive 10th Doctor Costume shirt, exclusive 11th Doctor Costume shirt, debut Dalek Invaders shirt, debut All Doctors Regenerate shirt, debut Smaller on the Outside shirt, debut Bigger on the Inside shirt, debut Union Jack TARDIS shirt, debut TARDIS Blue Green shirt, and debut TARDIS Fez shirt. $20 each at the Titan Entertainment booth.

Mez-Itz 1966 Batmobile with Batman & Robin – Preview

Classy Batmobile with Batman and Robin from the amazing 1966 TV series. $32 at the Mezco Toyz booth.

Angry Birds Star Wars Special Action Figure Set

Bird and pig versions of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Chewbacca, R2-D2, C-3PO, Darth Vader, a Storm Trooper, a Tusken Raider, an Imperial Navy Commander, and a Jawa in packaging paying homage to the original Kenner toys.. $24.99 at the Hasbro booth.

The Beatles – Giant Yellow Submarine Collectors Plush

Measures 36″ long, 15″ wide, and 24″ high. $100 at the Factory Entertainment Inc. booth.

Plants vs. Zombies Comic — San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive

Exclusive print edition. $2 at the Dark Horse and Electronic Arts booths.

SDCC 2013 Adventure Time Summer Special #1 Exclusive Cover

Summer story with exclusive cover. $4.99 at the Diamond Comic Distributors booth.

Megaman #24 Convention Exclusive Variant

The Mega Man/Sonic the Hedgehog crossover comic with Comic-Con exclusive variant cover. $10 at the Archie Comics booth.

Bongo’s Two One-Shot Wonders in One

The Malevolent Mr. Burns #1 and Professor Frink’s Fantastic Science Fictions #1 (Simpson One-Shot Wonders) are combined together in one exclusive, double-issue, one-shot. $10 at the Bongo Comics Group booth.

Comic-Con Mad Libs

Featuring two Comic-Con inspired stories, in addition to Adventure Time, Skylanders, Star Wars, Poptropica, and Star Wars LEGO Stories! Says $0… not sure how to get hold of it, but I’d try the Penguin Group booth.

Nintendo at E3 2013 Wrap-up


As another E3 draws to a close let’s take a look at some of the coolest things Nintendo announced over the week.

Of course, there were plenty of other games Nintendo announced/announced more information on, such as Pikmin 3The Wonderful 101The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD, and Bayonetta 2, but either the announcements weren’t as major or, as in the case of Bayonetta 2, I’m just not very interested in the game.

I’d like to point out a trend here. For the most part, Nintendo is getting really lazy with their game titles. Super Mario 3D World? Mario Kart 8? Yoshi’s New Island? All really boring. The crowning jewel though? The Smash Bros. games: Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. Those are the real titles. Seriously Nintendo? That’s the best you can think of? In fact, I’d like to go on record that the sales for the Wii U would, undoubtedly, been stronger had the name been unique. There is still confusion that the Wii U is just an updated Wii and not a totally new system.

Overall I think Nintendo had a very strong showing at E3 with a LOT of their major titles, many of which I can’t wait to get my hands on.

You can watch the E3 Nintendo Direct here.