LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles – The Phantom Clone Review

Lando and his father, Palpatine with a dual sided head, a clone that can use the force, and an out if place scene where General Grievous robs young Padawans at point blank with an assault rifle. This and more made up the first episode of LEGO’s Yoda Chronicles trilogy of Star Wars TV specials.

The story revolves around Yoda’s Padawans, who’s lightsabers are stolen by General Grievous for their kaiburr crystals, and the following adventures of Yoda and the Padawans. This includes attempting to stop Count Dooku from using the crystals to enhance clones with the force.

My favorite part of the special had to be a scene toward the beginning when Palpatine was on two simultaneous phone calls with Yoda and General Grievous. In order to carry out his business, he had to repeatedly spin his head around to use opposite sides of his dual sides head, one with his Chancellor Palpatine side and the other with his Darth Sidious side.

Another stand out scene had to be when Yoda, Mace Windu, and R2-D2 were stranded on Dagobah and a young Lando Calrissian with his father respond to their distress signal in the Millennium Falcon, which is tricked out to be a flying night club.
I do have to complain loudly about one scene though. General Grievous sneaks into the Jedi Holocron chamber and steals Yoda’s young Padawan’s lightsabers. Now I would have been fine with this, if it wasn’t for the fact he stole them while holding them at gun point with an assault rifle. The LEGO Star Wars TV specials are known for being silly and fun, there really wasn’t a more creative, “kid friendly” way to do this scene? I mean, yes in The Revenge of the Sith Anakin kills all the younglings, but this is a TV special with a much younger target audience. Sure they tried to dull it down with the following scene when the Padawans are piling on and beating up Grievous, but the scene still seemed in really bad taste and highly disturbing.

Overall, it was very entertaining and fit nicely alongside the two previous LEGO Star Wars TV specials (The Padawan Menace and The Empire Strikes Out). It was a fun adventure that opened this new story excellently.